
Dashboard Kanban

Dashboard Kanban

This should be familiar to you if you’ve used Trello.  The Kanban board is a visual set of columns where you can organize your tasks.  Unlike Trello, any tasks that you are assigned on a matter will *automatically* appear on your personal board in the “Inbox” column to the left.

However, other than the “inbox” and “done” columns, you can use this space to create any columns that make sense to you.  In the above example, I’ve organized my work into “long term goals” and “this is on fire.”  Maybe you prefer “in progress,” “phone calls to return,” “dog pics,” and “probably not doing.”  How you drag and organize your tasks will have no impact on anyone else’s view of the same tasks on their own dashboard and will not change the location ot the task on its project board.  They are duplicated to your board, and you are free to organize your work however it makes sense to you.

This is a key concept in Dendri.  Even though many people may be assigned to a task, everyone can interact with that task in their own way.  You can still see the progress of a task in its matter, but the way you organize and work on it is individual to you. What may be a high priority for one team member, might only be of passive interest to another.

If you want to create a new task on your dashboard, click on “Click to add Card” at the bottom of any column.  By default, it will create a new card with simply a title in the selected column.  This will also be created as a “personal” task.  In other words, a task that you create on your dashboard will not be linked to any matter.  You can tell where a card comes from by seeing if there is a matter on the face.  For example, in the following three cards, the first is associated with a matter titled “Slip and Fall,” the second is linked from a co-worker’s (Testy McTesterson) board, and the third is a personal task with no association (and no description):


As you can see, the card face can also show other valuable information, including the description, avatars for any other assigned users (the large icon is the “primary” user), any due date, whether there are attachments, and an indication if there are any new comments on the task.   There are additional features for task cards, which are discussed in tasks

You don’t “delete” tasks from your dashboard.  When you’re done, move the tasks to done.  If your board is getting clogged, you can “archive” the task by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner.

You can filter tasks on your board by expanding the filter menu, which gives you a number of options: 

Included in these options is the ability to reveal all tasks you've previously archived.  Archived tasks will have a label, and clicking the archive option will allow you to restore the archived task: