
Checklist Types

We discuss Checklists in our general section, but here is a brief overview of how to create and manage your checklist types.

From Settings > Customization select Checklist Types.

You'll be brought to a menu listing any existing checklists you've created.


Select "Add Checklist Type" or click on the "edit" icon of an existing checklist. In the following window you'll have the opportunity to name the checklist type and provide a description of the checklist so any other users understand the intent.


Just like working with board types, you can add a series of checklist items that will be accessible from any task.

Once you've created a checklist type, from any task, access your preset checklist from the "Add Todos from checklist types" dropdown:


Once you've made your selection, you'll see a list of all of the checklist items for that type. You can choose individual items or click "check all" and then "Add to List" at the bottom of the options.


This will then add these checklist items to your task.


These items can then be turned into subtasks and blockers as discussed in our tasks section.

As of 2/18/22 our Roadmap includes a plan to add sub-task and blocker settings to the checklist types to allow those features to be preset.