
Matter Views and Filters

See your entire practice at a glance

Dendri has two primary ways for you to view and organize your matters: List view and Board view.

List View

List view is a single filterable table that lets you view all of your matters.


In List view you can quickly see the status of your case (open, closed, pending, rejected, and referred by default), the title, associated client if any, managing employee, type of matter, current status, and integration (currently limited to Clio, but more coming soon). You can also delete a matter or edit from this screen. Clicking on the integration icon will either sync, or remove the sync from the integrated app.

You can also filter your view by any of these factors or perform a full-text search.


So, if you'd like to view only personal injury cases that are currently in trial, you can build a search for that. Even better, if you only want to see your personal injury cases in trial.

Board View

Board View let's you interact with all of your cases of any matter type on a single unified Kanban Board. This board is arranged by statuses, which you can customize and access on the matter screen.


This view is by necessity sorted by Matter Type. This is because every matter type can have it's own statuses to move through essential steps. If your practice is limited to one or two matter types it's possible you may want to set your practice up with a single master matter type and elect to only use the statuses relevant to a particular case type.

Even in board view, you get all of the filtering options available in list to further clarify your view. You can also take advantage of all other board features like condensed or expanded or list view, creating a matter right on a board with a particular status, and moving a matter to a new status.

With this view you can manage your entire practice from a single view. Clicking on a matter card will open the matter screen and let you get your work done.